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Reports until 16:00, Wednesday 11 March 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17199)
OPS Shift Summary

Times in PST

07:00 Karen and Cris to LVEA

08:49 Richard to EY electronics bay

09:11 Peter King to Mid X

09:17 Richard back, Fil to EX electronics bay

09:30 Peter back

09:37 Fil back

09:39 Peter to Mid X

09:48 Corey to squeezer bay

10:10 Peter and Richard back from MX

10:26 Kyle to LVEA checking pumps

11:56 Corey out

13:38 Corey to squeezer bay for 20 min.

15:33 Dave/Ryan Fisher restarting OCD Master model

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Wednesday 11 March 2015 - last comment - 20:03, Thursday 12 March 2015(17197)
BSC performance plots

I'm posting some plots of the performance of the BSC-ISI's. The attached pdf has 18 plots, the first 12 show the contributions of each control path to the performance of the ISI, shown against aligo requirements, sensor noises and ground motion. The order is St1 X (p. 1), St2 X(p. 2), St1 Y(p. 3),...  for x, y, z, rx, ry, rz. The configurations measured were offline, damped ISI, St1 ISI isolated / St2 damped, isolated (both stages), isolated with tilt decoupling, isolated with tilt decoupling and sensor correction, isolated with tilt, sensor correction and feedforward from HEPI. HEPI was off for the offline measurment as well. The blend filters used were the normal blend filters (the rdr compliment of filters with the T750 blend on St1 RZ). Please note that on the rotational plots, I used "paralell" ground direction (Y for RX, X for RY, Z for RZ). No, it doesn't make perfect sense, but X can be injected to RY or vice versa, and the BSC's have a coupling from Z to RZ, that we need to be aware of.

The last 6 plots show the final performance (i.e. our current configuration with damping, isolation, tilt decoupling, sensor correction and feedforward) for each dof for both stages.

Similar plots for the HAM's are next.

Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 20:03, Thursday 12 March 2015 (17242)
The Z and RZ ST2 isolation loops were mistakenly using a high-frequency, 750 [mHz] blend in these performance plots. See LHO aLOG 17222 for further discussion, but we think we can easily do much better in these DOFs between 0.5 and 1 [Hz].

We will remeasure and repost similar, improved "performance progression" plots in the future.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17195)
Data Concentrator reboot
The data concentrator h1dc0 died from a kernel panic just before 9:00 PDT this morning and required the reboot button to be pressed for recovery.  The startup was delayed by the need for a file system check on the boot disk (343 days since last check), so data collection didn't restart until 9:34 PDT.  Also of note, monit did not cleanly restart the daqd process.  

The mx_stream needed to be manually restarted on h1sus2b, h1susauxh34, h1susex, h1susauxex, and h1susauxey.
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:16, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17194)
Fiber Polarization

Evan, Alexa

This morning we found the Y-ARM IR fiber polarization to be in the wrong polarization at 45%. Evan and I adjusted this back down to 2%. It's been a while since we have to do this. 

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17193)
apache web server installed on h1hwsmsr

Aidan, Nutsinee, Jim, Dave:

an apache web server was installed on h1hwsmsr to provide web access to the HWS camera image files. This is an internal web service with no offsite access running HTTP protocol. Its URL is http://h1hwsmsr

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:57, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17192)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 8th,9th,10th March 2015

model restarts logged for Sun 08/Mar/2015
2015_03_08 00:26 h1fw1

one unexpected restart. Sunday reporting was given Saturday's date, possibly caused by time change to PDT. All times subsequent are now local PDT.

model restarts logged for Mon 09/Mar/2015

no restarts reported

model restarts logged for Tue 10/Mar/2015
2015_03_10 09:49 h1calcs
2015_03_10 09:54 h1calcs
2015_03_10 10:10 h1odcmaster
2015_03_10 11:30 h1pemex
2015_03_10 11:36 h1alsex
2015_03_10 11:36 h1calex
2015_03_10 11:37 h1calex
2015_03_10 11:38 h1iscex
2015_03_10 11:41 h1pemex
2015_03_10 11:45 h1iscex
2015_03_10 11:50 h1iopiscex
2015_03_10 11:50 h1iscex
2015_03_10 11:52 h1alsex
2015_03_10 11:52 h1pemex
2015_03_10 11:56 h1calex
2015_03_10 11:56 h1pemex
2015_03_10 11:58 h1alsex
2015_03_10 11:58 h1calex
2015_03_10 11:58 h1iscex
2015_03_10 11:59 h1iscex
2015_03_10 12:07 h1asc
2015_03_10 12:16 h1iscex
2015_03_10 12:21 h1iscex
2015_03_10 12:26 h1iscex
2015_03_10 12:47 h1omc
2015_03_10 13:41 h1omc
2015_03_10 13:46 h1lsc
2015_03_10 14:41 h1odcmaster
2015_03_10 15:01 h1alsey
2015_03_10 15:01 h1iopiscey
2015_03_10 15:01 h1pemey
2015_03_10 15:03 h1caley
2015_03_10 15:05 h1iscey

2015_03_10 15:09 h1broadcast0
2015_03_10 15:09 h1dc0
2015_03_10 15:09 h1fw0
2015_03_10 15:09 h1fw1
2015_03_10 15:09 h1nds0
2015_03_10 15:09 h1nds1

2015_03_10 15:09 h1odcmaster
2015_03_10 15:11 h1calcs
2015_03_10 15:13 h1omc
2015_03_10 16:26 h1pemex
2015_03_10 16:34 h1pemey

2015_03_10 16:36 h1broadcast0
2015_03_10 16:36 h1dc0
2015_03_10 16:36 h1fw0
2015_03_10 16:36 h1fw1
2015_03_10 16:36 h1nds0
2015_03_10 16:36 h1nds1

2015_03_10 16:56 h1pemex
2015_03_10 16:56 h1pemey

2015_03_10 17:05 h1dc0
2015_03_10 17:06 h1dc0
2015_03_10 17:07 h1broadcast0
2015_03_10 17:07 h1fw0
2015_03_10 17:07 h1fw1
2015_03_10 17:07 h1nds0
2015_03_10 17:07 h1nds1

no unexpected restarts. Please refer to slow controls alog for Beckhoff restarts. FE and DAQ details in CDS maintenance alog.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:47, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17191)
CDS maintenance Summary

CDS maintenance summary, Tuesday 10th Mach 2015.

ODC work, WP5095

TJ, Ryan, Stefan, Daniel, Dave:

All three ODC models were slowed from 32kHz to 16kHz. Additional shared memory ODC IPC transmitter channels were added to the end station PEM, CAL and ALS models. Further ODC changes were made, please see the ODC team's alogs for details.

Shuffle of end station ISC models WP5095

Daniel, Jim, Dave:

The PEM and CAL models, which were sharing a single core, were split back into their own cores. The ODC model, which had its own core, was combined with the ISC model and given an RFM IPC sender. The original CAL DCU-IDs were used, and the new ones assigned to ALS were returned to the pool. The CAL core number was changed as it was conflicting with ISC

In the following table, each model's dcuid and core number is shown. Models which share the same core are color coded.

model was is now
h1pemex 84,2 84,2
h1calex 84,2 124,4
h1iscex 126,5 86,5
h1odcx 86,5 86,5
h1alsex 85,3 85,3
h1pemey 94,2 94,2
h1caley 94,2 125,4
h1iscey 127,5 96,5
h1odcy 96,4 96,5
h1alsey 95,3 95,3

The dcuids 126 and 127 are no longer used.

The data from the PEM models were slow in recovering, I eventually remembered that the ADC part in the model should be changed from ADC1 to ADC0 and all the internal bus selectors modified accordingly.

PCAL model changes

Rick, Sudarshan, Dave:

The PCAL common model was modified to give a more logical ordering of its inputs (in order of ADC channel number, PCAL signals first, Timing signals last). h1calex and h1caley were modified accordingly.

Attempt to pre-load the PSL ODC DAQ channel type change

Daniel, Stefan, Ryan, Dave:

It was suggested that the fix of the PSL ISS ODC DAQ data type problem (it is FLOAT, should be 32bit UINT) could be preloaded and applied whenever the PSL is next restarted. Well, in hindsight this is not possible since the new INI file was taken by the DAQ on restart. I backed out this change and verified that only the ODC channel was corrupted for a few hours when this was tried.

DAQ restarts were necessary to support the above work, a few more than originally intended due to PEM and PSL changes.

eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:25, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17190)
Locking full IFO/maintenance recovery

Stefan, Elli

After maintenance day today there seemed to be a lot of changes to the interferometer confirguration, so we decided to try to lock the full interferometer to check this still works.  When requesting Check_IR in LSC_Lock guardian, the ALS_COMM was not finding the comm beat note.  The IR buildup in the x-arm (LSC-TR_X_A_LF_OUTPUT) was 0.7 rather than 1, and guardian would not recognise the IR resonance.  We suspected a bad alignment but we did the initial alignment twice (getting an x-arm buildup of 1  at the input_align step) and repeating the initial alignment didn't help.  In order to push on to ALS_DIFF, Stefan was lowering the LSC power scale from 3 to 2W (IMC input power stayed at 3W) so that the guardian would rocognise the comm beatnote.

Once IR comm and diff beat notes were found, we brought the LSC power scale back 3W and let DRMI lock.  DRMI would catch lock but soon after the ASC loops engaged they would break the lock.  PRC1 broke the lock twice, so Stefan turned off  the PRC1 loop, and could keep DRMI locked for a bittle longer, but then SRC2 took it down.  These are the two pointing loops.

eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:38, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17189)
End station HWS work

Nutsinee, Elli

This morning we visited end-x and end-y to get the HWS working there. We can remote login to the h1hwsey and h1hwsex computers and the relevant software is installed.  Daniel connected camera and frame grabber enable switches in the Beckhoff system (alog 17176).  We confirmed cameras and frame grabbers turn on when requested by epics.  We can run serial_cmd and take.  On Thursday we will check alignment of the green beam onto the cameras.

H1 ISC (CDS, DetChar, ISC)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:24, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17188)
H1ISCEX, H1ISCEY, H1ALSEX, H1ALSEY Now Under SDF System Monitoring
J. Kissel, S. Dwyer

Since we now believe the end station ISC and ALS front-end models and their respective settings are pretty stable, we've turned on the SDF monitoring systems. So far, the only channels I've *removed* from the monitoring system are
where the first three are actually the camera's software output being constantly jammed into an EPICs setting (so it's not really a setting, just a monitor); and the the on-off switch for the green WFS, which should be controlled by Guardian. I would post a screen shot of the DIFF screens, but there are no DIFFs, so it's not very exciting.

I've also edited (and committed) the 
screen to (a) include the new ALSEX and ALSEY, and (b) change the DCUIDs of ISCEX and ISCEY, which are now one DCUID higher to make room for the new ALS models.

Steps to get these set up:
(1) Burt restore these systems to 12p PDT last night to ensure that we have good -- or at least something that might be good -- settings to use as our starting point.
(2) Create / update safe.snaps in the userapps repo using makeSafeBackup, e.g. 
makeSafeBackup als h1alsex
For the record, these files live in:
(3) Ensure the safe.snap in the burt folder of the target area for each model is a softlink to that repo file.
]$ ls -1l --color=auto h1{als,isc}e*/*epics/burt/safe.snap
Feb  3 10:42 h1alsex/h1alsexepics/burt/safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/als/h1/burtfiles/h1alsex_safe.snap
Feb  3 10:43 h1alsey/h1alseyepics/burt/safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/als/h1/burtfiles/h1alsey_safe.snap
Mar 10 17:36 h1iscex/h1iscexepics/burt/safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/isc/h1/burtfiles/h1iscex_safe.snap
Mar 10 17:36 h1iscey/h1isceyepics/burt/safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/isc/h1/burtfiles/h1iscey_safe.snap
Note, this took some effort, because for some strange reason the ALS auto-generated target folders had different permissions (controls only writeable) than the ISC auto-generated target folders (which had controls and controls group writeable). A little logging in as controls and chmod g+w on the folders did the trick.
(4) Use /ligo/cds/userscripts/sdf_set_monitor.py to add a "1" to the end of each burt setting line, 
]$ sdf_set_monitor 1 /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/als/h1/burtfiles/h1alsex_safe.snap
(5) Load the new safe.snap into the front end as the accepted table of good values but hitting "LOAD TABLE ONLY" on the SDF_RESTORE overview screen for each model.  
(6) Find a few channels that you want to ignore, and remove them from the table,
]$ sdf_set_monitor -c - 0 h1alsex_safe.snap
(channel name, hit return)
(channel name, hit return)
(hit ctrl+d to send'er)
I recall Jonathan / Dave / Betsy working on a different way to use this script, or another script entire that accepts the chanels themselves instead of a file, but we couldn't find a log, and Jamie the python pro was sitting next to me, so he made a few changes to the script and we did it this way. The changes aren't committed, because the script doesn't live in a repo.
(7) Have Sheila test your ability to update the database to accept new changes by having her change a few now-monitored settings, or have Stefan test you by burting an older file and changing vitrually all the settings from what you've stored. Do so, from the SDF OVERVIEW for that model, and at the bottom, for
(wait a second, watch for the "TIME" channel, H1:FEC-${DCUID}_SDF_RELOAD_TIME, to report a modified SDF file)
(8) commit your newly minted SDF monitored safe.snaps to the userapps repo.

Note, I know this will be fixed in the RCG 2.9.1 bug fix / upgrade, but the H1:FEC-${DCUID}_SDF_DIFF_CNT -- the number of differences before the loaded SDF table and what the front end has as settings has a hard limit at 40, even though there may be more than 40 differences. I experienced this when Stefan pushed a burt restore of iscex and iscey. Many channels were different than when Sheila told me was a good time -- many (or at least one) more than 40 channels were different. We didn't know whether we liked midnight last night or an hour ago, so we just went with last night.
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:36, Tuesday 10 March 2015 - last comment - 20:54, Tuesday 10 March 2015(17185)
twin peaks conjecture

Last night we saw a familiar bit of excess noise return -- a double-hump feature between 500Hz and 1400Hz, see first plot.  This noise had been intermittently observed up until March 3 (see Gabriele's discussion here) -- after this we were successful in closing the corner station ASC loops in low noise, and we thought we had driven it away.  But last night it was back.

The noise decays over a timescale of tens of minutes, which makes us think of a slow alignment loop that drags the IFO towards an operating point where the noise that is causing the bump doesn't couple to DARM.  Also the intermittent appearance of the noise makes us think that the coupling depends on the initial alignment, or at least something that changes from lock to lock.

The only alignment loops that were changing on the timescale of the noise last night were the YAW loops in the IMC.  The second plot attached shows a bandpassed trend of DARM_IN1 (top) and a trend of IMC-DOF_3_YAW, for the two hours as the noise disappears.

The third and fourth plots are a two-hour trends of other ASC signals (same timescale as the second plot).  The corner station ASC (third plot) and the ETM loops (fourth plot) arrive at their preferred output values fairly quickly, much faster than the decay rate of the noise.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 19:29, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17186)


It's the BS butterfly thing at 2449Hz, down converted by the OMC dither at 3300Hz to make 851Hz line, and then the OMC LSC feedback shakes the OMC length at that frequency finally upconverting low frequency OMC length signal into the OMC transmission at around 851Hz. 


The twin peaks are centered at 851Hz (top). Blue is when it was with a hump, red is when it died down. You can also see that the line at 2449Hz was a factor of 30 or so larger when there was a hump.

According to Dan, 2449Hz is the BS butterfly mode, and 851 Hz is the difference between the BS butterfly and 3300Hz OMC length dither.

On the bottom plot, the OMC PZT2 monitor shows a huge  851Hz line, and this line was also about a factor of 30 larger when there was a hump.  This is the PZT used for OMC length control.

On the second plot, I shifted the top plot such that the frequency axis starts at 851Hz, and on the bottom plot I put the OMC length error signal. This shows that the features match up, and the width of the half-hump roughly agrees with that of the OMC length.

These things all mean that we're unnecessarilly shaking the OMC length at 851Hz with too large an amplitude, and that the noise will probably go away if we notch this line somewhere in the OMC length control path. We can also more aggressively low-pass the OMC length feedback.

Images attached to this comment
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 20:54, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17187)

There is now a 6th-order butterworth bandstop filter in the input to the OMC LSC demodulation for 2.4k-2.5k.  There are also additional butterworth rolloff filters 1k in the demodulation products (OMC-LSC_X_SIN and COS) in case any of the other high frequency bumps in the spectrum are due to the OMC length drive.

H1 SYS (DetChar, ISC, SYS)
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17183)
ODC Channel Additions and Model Updates
Ryan Fisher, TJ Massinger:

We added an ODC channel to the h1omc.mdl, requiring changes to the library parts: omclsc.mdl and omc.mdl

We added an ODC channel to the h1asc.mdl, requiring changes to ASC_MASTER.mdl
  (With Kiwamu and Stefan)  We also added a matrix to the ASC_MASTER.mdl to allow for selection between AS_A and AS_B for the AS45Q PIT signal used for test mass damping. The output matrix is called OUTMATRIX_TESTMASS_DAMP.

We changed the configuration of the LSC ODC to account for the LSC/OMC model restructuring from alog 16893.  These changes were made to the lsc.mdl common library part. Channels that no longer exist in the LSC model were terminated inside of the ODC block and the bits were set to default to 1. We also added the ODC_CHANNEL_OUT to the annotation block to automatically record the ODC channel to the frames.

We made several changes to h1odcmaster (with Duncan Macleod):
  All SIM (simulated) inputs were removed as they are no longer needed for testing.
  The IPC links for ASC, OMC and LSC ODC channels were added.
  The RFM links from h1iscex/ey for the X and Y ODC channels were added.
  cdsEzCaRead links were used to read in Guardian states from ISC, IMC and ODC.  
  The model was converted to using a common library part for the ODC MASTER channel calcuation.  This library part includes the use of the new cdsEpicsOutLong parts to record the EPICs values as 32 bit unsigned integers.

Duncan M. updated the ODC MASTER MEDM screens to agree with the changes made to h1odcmaster.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17182)
OPS: reset of HEPI L4C Accumulated WD Counters Tuesday 10th March 2015
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17181)
Beam Tube Washing
Scott L. Ed P. Chris S.

Cleaned 57 meters of tube towards X-1-5 double doors. Problems with the generator slowed the start this morning, John and I will investigate more tomorrow morning. Busy maintenance day and 3rd IFO duties prevented us from looking into the generator issues.  Fortunately we are at the only location that we have electrical power in the X arm enclosure and were able to relocate the extension cords to continue cleaning. Continuous monitoring of the beam tube pressures by the control room.  
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17167)
Ops Summary
Beam tube cleaning scheduled from 7:30 - 4

07:18 Cris into LVEA
07:30 Karen into LVEA
07:30 Peter into H1 PSL enclosure
~8:20 Corey to squeezer bay for 3IFO work
08:26 Sudarshan to end Y for PCAL work
08:57 Bubba and Jodi to move 3IFO parts from corner station to mid stations
08:58 Jim W. running measurements at HAM6
09:01 Filiberto to Y arm spool to remove electronics from test stand
09:05 Hugh and TJ cycling HEPI pumps
09:07 Richard to end stations
09:08 Rick, Ed and Jeff B. to H1 diode room to reset watchdogs
09:08 Betsy to LVEA west bay for 3IFO work
09:13 Daniel changing Beckhoff code
09:20 Peter transitioned LVEA to laser safe
09:21 Jim B. to LVEA to help Filiberto
09:27 Travis to LVEA west bay for 3IFO work
09:34 Jeff B. and Andres moved dust monitor in diode room off floor
09:39 Hugh and TJ done cycling HEPI pumps
09:39 Jamie restarting guardian machine
09:46 TJ to end stations to restock cables
09:46 Jim B. back
09:47 Peter K. to H1 enclosure
09:47 Rick to end Y
09:49 Elli to end stations to work on HWS cameras
09:53 Hugh to HAM1 to read HEPI load cells
10:09 Dave restarting H1 ODC master
10:10 Hugh done at HAM1
10:14 Peter and Matt done at H1 PSL
10:15 Betsy and Travis done
10:17 Keita to squeezer bay to talk with Corey
10:18 Travis and Betsy starting TFs on SRM, SR2 and SR3
10:38 Richard to squeezer bay to talk to Corey
11:03 Karen to end Y, Cris to end X
11:15 Gary and Jodi at mid X
11:27 Dave restarting end X ISC model
11:38 LN2 truck went through gate
11:51 Mayflower Metal delivering metal recycling container
11:57 Informed by Kyle that pumps are running on HAM1, HAM2 and BSC3
12:02 Peter transitioning the LVEA to laser hazard
12:12 Peter done transitioning the LVEA to laser hazard
12:20 ASC model changes done, Ryan starting on OMC, LSC, ODC master
12:24 Beckhoff end Y PLC3 EPICS invalid, Daniel restarted IOC
12:32 Karen leaving end Y
12:53 Praxair truck is ~ 15 minutes away
12:42 Corey to ISCT1 to take pictures
12:44 Jeff K. recompiling, restarting H1 OMC model for Ryan
12:52 Corey done at ISCT1
13:11 Cristina driving forklift from LSB to warehouse and staging building
13:11 Filiberto to mid Y
13:13 Rick and Sudarshan to end Y to work on PCAL
13:39 Jeff K. and Ryan resuming work on model changes for ODC
13:39 Betsy to LVEA
13:45 TJ to LVEA to hang cables in racks
13:48 Corey to squeezer bay 3IFO
13:48 Greg to LVEA to put parts on racks by HAM6 and look for filters to reuse from eligo chillers
14:10 Hugh taking HAM1 HEPI down to take safe.snap
14:14 Filiberto back from mid Y
14:19 Peter and Ed to H2 PSL enclosure to work on Livingston PMC
14:29 Travis and Betsy done running TFs
14:37 TJ done
14:57 Rick and Sudarshan done, Dave restarting models at end Y
15:07 DAQ restart
15:56 Corey out of LVEA
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:56, Tuesday 10 March 2015 - last comment - 01:11, Saturday 14 March 2015(17166)
2h lock overnight
We left the IFO on a DC lock last night. Attached is the spectrum. Two nights were notable:

1) The hump around 800Hz (apparently known as "twin peaks") was bigger than ever. Interestingly it was NOT there at all during earlier locks during the day. The only thing we know we did between the locks was a complete initial alignment. Also, over the period of about 1h, the hump completely disappeared.

2) The low-frequency noise (20Hz to 100Hz) is significantly less stationary now. (This did not improve over time.)
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 11:39, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17171)
ASC showing up in displacement / roll mode ringup

a) The first plot, middle graph, shows coherence between ASC loops and DARM. CHARD shows up very prominently - it's narrow stop-band get imprinted on the coherence. The same noise is also seen in IMP1_P, but it is likely just a witness, since it shares sensors with CHARD. Bottom lime: CHARD needs a proper low-pass.

b) The first plot, bottom graph shows some coherence between the 20Hz-100Hz excess and ASC_MICH_P. ASC_SRC2_P also shows it, but might again just be a witness (it uses AS_C as error signal). That excess BTW is all glitches.

c) The roll mode was seen to ring up over the 2h lock. Interestingly both ETMX and ETMY modes seem to be ringing. Since DARM feedback only goes to ETMX, but CHARD goes to both, I again suspect CHARD. Again: CHARD needs a proper low-pass.

Images attached to this comment
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17184)

The bounce and roll mode ringups were due to human intervention -- Chris and I stayed a bit later last night working on the violin mode damping, and we couldn't resist changing the gains on the feedback loops, enough that things became unstable.  At 09:10 UTC when Stefan took his DTT spectrum, the gains on the feedback were nonzero, which impresses bounce & roll mode noise on the M0 stage OSEMs.  When the feedback gain is zero you can't see these modes in the top stage OSEMs -- this makes identifying the optic that's bouncing or rolling a challenge.  It may have been only one ETM was rolling, or an ITM (although I suspect both ETMs thanks to the ASC loops, as Stefan says.)

The attached images from the summary pages show the roll mode increasing around 09:40 UTC, when we realized our feedback was hurting more than helping.  After this I zeroed the gain on the DARM --> ETM M0 feedback and the mode stayed the same height for the rest of the night.  (When the noise got very bad after 11:00 UTC the bounce mode stayed pretty much the same.)

That said I would not argue against some roll-off filters for CHARD!

Images attached to this comment
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - 01:11, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17266)

The attached screencaps show the roll mode damping setup that has worked well for us, tonight. (ETMX gain 10000/ETMY gain -600)

Images attached to this comment
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:47, Monday 09 March 2015 - last comment - 19:13, Wednesday 11 March 2015(17151)
New DARM filters implemented
Alexa, Sheila, Evan, Chris, Stefan

We implemented Peter's DARM 'SUScomp' from alog  16728. Since we can't lock with that filter directly (see alog 16840), deleted the old 'LLO' filter, but instead loaded a difference filter called 'acqLP' that makes the 'SUScomp' look like the old 'LLO' filter:

Guardian was updated to turn off acqLP' in FM8 instead of turning on a lead.

A note on the previous filter is also found in alog 16381.

Comments related to this report
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 20:04, Monday 09 March 2015 (17152)

I have attached a plot comparing our various configurations:

1. Red trace: RF DARM sus compenstation as designed by Peter to obtain more phase margin. The LSC DARM configuration is: FM1(suscomp), FM2(2:0), FM3(resG), FM4(4^2:1^2), FM5(2:0), Gain 800 (LHO#16728, 16840)

2. Blue trace: Our old RF DARM sus compenstation where we used the LLO control filer and a 200Hz lead filter. (LHO#16381)

3. Green trace: ALS DIFF sus compensation. This is the configuration we use to lock ALS DIFF. The LSC DARM configuration is: FM1(suscomp), FM2(2:0), FM3(resG), FM7(SB60), FM8(acqLP),FM10(RLP33), Gain 400. As Stefan mentioned, FM1+FM8 returns our old LLO control filter.


I have also attached the RF DARM OLTF model with the new (red) and old (blue) configuration as described above, along with the respective measured data. The RF DARM UGF is now 55 Hz with a phase margin of ~45deg.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 20:00, Monday 09 March 2015 (17153)

Measurement of new DARM loop on dc readout is attached.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 07:58, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17160)CAL
I've saved Evan's .xml to the calibration repository here:
and exported text files of the transfer function and coherence,

Transfer function contains the following columns (i.e. I exported IN1 / IN2 "as is"):
Frequency [Hz]    Real Part [ ]    Imaginary Part [ ]

We'll use later for calibration / noisebudget model verification!
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:32, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17196)

Also including the CARM OLTF that we took at 9 W.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 19:13, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17206)ISC

I checked the measured DARM open loop transfer function posted by Evan against my DARM open loop model. Even though I did not do a fitting or any fancy analysis yet, it seems that the optical gain was consistent -- the measurement matched the model with an optical gain of 1.1x106 cnts/m or 9.09x10-7 m/cnts which we have been using since Feb. 21st (alog 16843) for the CAL-CS front end model.

Here is a plot showing the model and measured one:

The matlab script to generate this plot is archived in calSVN:



Note for myself:

optical gain in the model = 1.1e6

ESD strength in the model = 2.8e-10 [N/V^2] (see alog 16843)

LSC_DARM_GAIN = 800 (instead of 400)

Only ETMX was actuated

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:38, Wednesday 04 March 2015 - last comment - 16:02, Wednesday 11 March 2015(17082)
calibration study at high frequencies

In response to Evan's alog (alog 17065), I took a look at the DARM spectra. Here are conclusions at the moment:


(Noise spectra)

The data sets that I used are from:

Here is a comparison of all three curves with the GWINC theoretical curves above 400 Hz up to 7600 Hz.

As Evan reported, indeed the measured curves from last night are lower than the GWINC curve in 1 - 4 kHz band while the one from Feb-26 looks fine.


(Discrepancies between the curves)

Now, I want to answer how much the Mar-4 data differed from the one from Feb-26th by taking the ratio between them. I divided the Feb-26th by Mar-4th spectra in 400-7600 Hz band. Then I convert it into a histogram to see how they differ on average. Since there were many peaks whose amplitude varied as a function to time, I excluded them by limiting the histogram range from 0 to 2. The ratio is shown as red bars in the below plot.

Note that I could have done a fancy Gaussian fit for it, but for now I picked the highest bar in the histogram in order to coarsely estimate the ratio. As shown in the plot, the Feb-26 data had a higher noise level by a factor of 1.09 on average.

Then I did the same ratio analysis for the 2.8 W and 8 W data of Mar-4th. It is shown as blue bars in the same histogram plot. Picking the highest bar, I measured the ratio to be 0.58 which agrees with what we expected i.e. sqrt( 2.8W / 8W) = 0.59. So the power scaling from 2.8 W to 8 W seems to have been done correctly last night.


(Unexplainable dip at around 2.8 kHz in the 8 W data)

However, it is not the end of the story yet. The noise curve of the Mar-4 at 8 W had a funny feature at around 2.8 kHz where the noise go down below the GWINC curve even if i apply the 9 % correction.

The below plot shows "normalized" spectra of all the three data sets. In order to line up all the spectra at the same level, I "normalized" the Mar-4th-2.8W data by multiplying a factor of 1.09. In a similar manner, I "normalized" the Mar-4th-8W data by a factor of 1.09/0.59. In this way I checked the shape of all the spectra.

The Mar-4th-8W data was lower by the rest of the two curves by 10-ish %. I did not do a serious histogram analysis.

Finally , if I apply only the 1.09 correction factor to the data from last night, they look like this:

Apparently the Mar-4-8W data is lower at around 2.8 kHz than the GWINC curve.

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Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 18:11, Thursday 05 March 2015 (17101)ISC

At least part (maybe all) of the issue here is actually due to the GWINC curves that we're using right now. In particular, I had put in a value for the arm losses that was too high.

By putting in 50 ppm per optic (i.e., 100 ppm per arm, which is closer to reality than the 180 ppm I was using before), I get a GWINC curve that is below the measured calibrated strain curve. This is shown for the recent 8 W lock in the attached noise budget.

Out of curiosity, I've also shown a rough estimate for how much DAC-induced ESD noise we can expect if the proposed low-pass filtering is installed (pole at 1.6 Hz, zero at 53 Hz). Obviously this is subject to the same uncertainty as the current noise trace with regard to the magnitude of the actuation coefficient.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 16:02, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17198)


  • The "GWINC total" and "DAC → ESD [proposed]" curves are not included in the "Sum of all" curve
  • For the "DAC -> ESD" traces, the bias voltage was taken as 380 V and the ESD coefficient was taken as 2×10−10 N/V2. This coefficient is just a canned value, so the actual magnitude of these noises may be higher or lower than what is shown here (hopefully lower). The DAC noise is taken from G1401399-v2, page 6.
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