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Reports until 11:23, Sunday 29 November 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:23, Sunday 29 November 2015 - last comment - 12:38, Sunday 29 November 2015(23805)
H1 Update

A bit of a frustrating morning.

Since Alignment was decent enough to get through DRMI, I opted to look at Input Alignment again.  Patrick pretty much restored the IM4 Trans Pit/Yaw to where they should be (good thing!).  I thought the yaw could be moved a little more though.  I decided to move the IM3 in yaw a bit.  (Talked with Kiwamu and he felt this was good to try).

Since the input pointing was changed, I then started an Initial Alignment.  Unfortunately, I ran into issues at the beginning with ALS.  I could have sworn both ALSx & y were fine at first, but after waiting a few minutes for control signals to converge, I noticed ALSy was in a completely bad alignment state.  I spent way too much time trying to get an alignment back, could never get much above 0.5 & when I did WFS drove the alignment off.  After talking with Kiwamu, he suggested taking guardian to LOCKED NO SLOW NO WFS & tweak on ITMy & ITMy.  Finally, made some progress here and took the arms up to 1.05, went to INITIAL ALIGNMENT (which enables wfs), and Y-arm looked great....

...but then ALSx all of a sudden looked ugly.  It had a 0:0 mode, but it's power was oscillating from 0.4 -0.8 with a period of 6-7sec.  (on the Tidal strip tool, the ALS x & y REFL control signals are oscillating with this period.  useism doesn't look bad (under 90 percentile & there's no wind).  Asked whether the tidal issues Patrick had last night could be an issue here, but since we aren't fully locked it should not.  So moving on...

Oh, and within a few minutes, I lost ALSy again!!

SO:  Going to work on ALSx & then ALSy (probably with no WFS).  Kiwamu said another knob I can use is the ALS WFS GAIN for each arm, if needed.

OK, back at it.

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 11:31, Sunday 29 November 2015 (23806)

Just further notes.  I initially did move TMS when working on the Yarm, but then I returned it to its OSEM values.  BUT, after tweaking only the ITMy & ETMy, I see that the TMS OSEM values have drifted a bit.  Maybe this is standard, but I was surprised at that.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 12:31, Sunday 29 November 2015 (23807)
I've also had the same kind of issues trying to lock ALS recently.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 12:38, Sunday 29 November 2015 (23808)

Hey Patrick!  Sorry, I've not been able to recover what you did last night.  Well, Kiwamu will be on site in a bit---I was just wanting to figure this out!  :-/

Other ALS notes:

  • Since X-arm ALS looked ugly even with WFS (seeing 0.15Hz oscillation), I enabled the 45mHz blends for the Xarm.  This had no effect
  • I tried adjusting ALS WFS gain from 0.5.  Went up and down, but this also had no effect.

At this point now, the ALS spot is really ugly (and this is after returning sliders to original values 

Oh, and another odd effect is how AS AIR video looks.  there's a couple of spots which look like they are rotating through every few seconds (I've not seen that before).  

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