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Reports until 14:22, Tuesday 18 April 2017
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:22, Tuesday 18 April 2017 - last comment - 15:49, Tuesday 18 April 2017(35633)
new h1calcs front end model installed, DAQ restart

Jeff K, Jonathan,  Dave:

h1calcs was restarted with new code at 10:15 PDT. Jonathan and I took the opportunity to update the H1EDCU_RACCESS.ini file with missing channels, and then restarted the DAQ.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:49, Tuesday 18 April 2017 (35637)
This was h1calcs model change was covered under the continued work described in
WP #6572
ECR E1700121
II 7828

This restart was to incorporate a few more EPICs monitor channels (24 or so) to support commissioning of the new SRC Detuning Infrastructure (see LHO aLOG 35547). In addition, I moved the pick-offs for calculated time-dependent correction factors that feed into the next subsequent calculations upstream of the final-answer 128 [sec] low pass. No change was made to the functionality of the infrastructure for h(t), these are all control-room only used redundant infrastructure. 

The changes to the h1calcs model is actually just changes to common library parts, which have been committed to the userapps repo:

These EPICs channels have been added to the various MEDM screens, and those screens have been committed to the userapps repo under

Initial results (i.e. the 30 minute NLN lock we just had) indicate that moving the pick-offs that pass one answer to the next calculation upstream of their 128 sec low-pass has cleaned up the final answers. Plots to come when we have more data.
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