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Reports until 16:49, Wednesday 19 April 2017
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:49, Wednesday 19 April 2017 (35675)
temporary system in place to restart DMT calibration code in the event of a DAQ error

Greg, TJ, Dave

In order to prevent a repeat of the error encountered last Sunday morning at 03:07 PDT where a DAQ glitch on h1susey caused an invalid flag to be latched on the latest Calibration HofT code, we have put into place a temporary system to cover us until this bug is fixed in the calibration code. Trending these CRC errors shows a very low occurence (about 8 for O2 so far), however we have put this system into place on the off chance of another event in the next week.

The system has several moving parts:

Verbal Alarms

TJ has extended the verbal alarms system to monitor the CRC error counter for h1iopsusey. If this value goes above zero, the alarm will be announced just once. After the counter goes back to zero the alarm is primed ready for the next event.

Operator Instructions

I've written full instructions in the CDS wiki OperatorInstructions

Greg is the main point of contact for the operator

Restarting the DMT calibration code

For the short term, we are asking the operator to possibly restart the calibration hoft code by having open login sessions on the machines' consoles in the MSR. The instructions give details on how these are to be used.

Once the calibration code is fixed (hopefully next Tuesday 4/25) this system will be dismantled.

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