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Reports until 09:28, Wednesday 14 June 2017
H1 CAL (CAL, DetChar, FMP)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:28, Wednesday 14 June 2017 - last comment - 13:30, Wednesday 14 June 2017(36884)
H1 PCAL Y RX PD Shows ~1% Deviation in Displacement Due to Residual YVEA Temperature Fluctuations
J. Kissel

Having been bitten by "clipping" in PCALY beforehand, I've gotten into the habit of trending the PCAL's reported test mass displacement before / during calibration measurements. Further, I've been worried that the residual temperature fluctuations after end-station's HVAC upgrade will impact the accuracy of the PCALY's RX PD's reported reported displacement.

Sure enough, the attached trend shows that the residual 0.2 [deg C] diurnal temperature swing is causing a 1.0 to 1.5% deviation in reported displacement. I'm not sure whether to request that the PCAL system be less sensitive to temperature, or if the HVAC system to control the temperature better, but we can't use the RXPD as a fundamental reference, with claimed accuaracy / precision of 0.75% if its impacted by temperature at twice that level.

For record, we're in no way sure that this isn't caused by test mass pitch (also from temperature fluctuations) steering the beam into a spot that has more clipping, if the PCAL periscope's position is oscillating with temperature, it's something inside the receiver box, or something we otherwise haven't considered. That the TXPD's reported displacement remains rock-solid implies that the fluctuations are not on the input side.

For now, I'll record the TXPD as reference during transfer functions.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:03, Wednesday 14 June 2017 (36889)
J. Kissel

The situation is similar, if not worse on H1 PCAL X -- worse, because the TX PD is also showing a ~1-2% displacement distortion following the diurnal temperature cycle. See attached trend of equivalent channels.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:30, Wednesday 14 June 2017 (36891)
Opened FRS Ticket 8328, and assigned to Rick Savage.
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