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Reports until 09:35, Tuesday 10 October 2017
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:35, Tuesday 10 October 2017 (38963)
PSL Weekly FAMIS Tasks (FAMIS 3671 & 8443)

This morning I completed the weekly PSL FAMIS tasks.

HPO Pump Diode Current Adjust (FAMIS 8443)

With the ISS OFF, I adjusted the operating currents of the HPO DBs, changes summarized in the below table.  A screenshot of the PSL Beckhoff main screen is attached for future reference.

  Operating Current (A)
Old New
DB1 50.5 50.7
DB2 53.0 53.1
DB3 53.0 53.1
DB4 53.0 53.1

I did not adjust the DB operating temperatures.  The HPO is now outputting 154.4 W and the ISS is back ON.  This completes FAMIS 8443.

PSL Power Watchdog Reset (FAMIS 3671)

I reset both PSL power watchdogs at 16:19 UTC (9:19 PDT).  This completes FAMIS 3671.

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