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Reports until 17:49, Wednesday 16 May 2018
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:49, Wednesday 16 May 2018 - last comment - 09:02, Thursday 17 May 2018(42026)
Squeezer beams through viewport

Apollo TJ Daniel

All squeezer beams are clearing the viewports.
The south door is tacked on and can be torqued down.
SQZT6 has been moved into its final position and its feet outlined on the floor.

Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 09:02, Thursday 17 May 2018 (42033)

A note on the process: to make sure that the beam was actually going to make it out, Jenne and I first placed the viewport emulator on top of the HAM6 N door that was laid down flat. Since the emulator was designed for iLIGO viewports, the extra covers and shrouds and other safety features make adjusting the emulator rings basically impossible. We didn't adjust anything because it looked to be good enough for what we could tell here. After Dan B, Jenne and I rearranged the flange protectors and then mounted the emulator, I pulled out the plumb line and the center emulator ring, the main one we were worried about, seemed to be in the correct spot. Daniel double checked with me and we agreed that it may be off slightly in the horizontal, but we could work with what we had.

Now for the aligning. I had a laminated piece of paper with a hole the diameter of the viewport cut out of it that we could place on the ring to make sure that it would actually go out (see attached). We also marked the wall with a dry erase marker to easily gauge how much we need to move the beam (see attached). We got them to a good point and then checked the the beam diverter beam was good as well, it was. With the door tacked on we did a final check it it all looked good (see attached).

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