Reports until 08:21, Wednesday 29 June 2011
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Wednesday 29 June 2011 - last comment - 17:07, Thursday 15 September 2011(1000)
Need ability to Log Out
Often times I would come to a work station, attempt to write an aLOG entry, and find that the web browser has someone else's credentials in place (either from recent use or a stored kinit), and I have to close and restart the browser before continuing, or run kdestroy. One should have the ability to log out, or at least have a "Not You?" link that takes you to the home screen, clears the store credentials, and asks for new ones.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:07, Thursday 15 September 2011 (1410)
This is a known issue with the LIGO.ORG systems.  It probably will not be fixed with the aLOG.

There are two ways to fully log out.

1. Close the browser (all sessions).

2. Use kerberos, then after doing a kdestroy you can click the log-out button and it will actually log you out.