I swapped in a new HTTS filter file with corrected dewhitening filters (what claimed to be 10:0.4 had actually been 40:1.6). I checked that RM1 and RM2 still damp stably.
I've started on a round of undamped TFs on RM1 and RM2 to check that I get the expected results without post-hoc corrections.
The TFs were taken successfully. The raw data was processed with meas.badFilt = '' (no post-hoc filter correction) and meas.E1201027 = true (coil driver resistors replaced):
These data sets are plotted in the attached PDF with the latest L1:RM1 and L1:RM2 results and the immediately previous H1:RM1 and H1:RM2 results of 12/20/13. As expected, the new results without post-hoc filter correction agree with the earlier results with correction, showing that the new H1SUSHTTS.txt file is good. (It has been committed.)
The agreement with the model is good for H1:RM1 so this new data (2014-02-12_1330) can count towards Phase3b testing. The RM2 data shows the same strong coupling of L into Y as the last few measurements, and this needs to be investigated at the next vent.
LLO should impement the same fix as soon as convenient. Specifically, in L1SUSHTTS.txt, all the ???_M1_OSEMINF_?? modules should have Section 1 set to have label '10:0.4' (probably that way already) and filter zpk([10],[0.4],1,"n") (will have been zpk([40],[1.6],1,"n")).