Reports until 16:26, Wednesday 29 June 2011
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Wednesday 29 June 2011 (1005)
Wednesday Ops Log
- LDAS HVAC work continued today, finished this afternoon, cluster should be fully functional again
- Delivery from Office Depot for Rick Savage
- LVEA in modified laser safe condition since ~9am
- Dale leads tour for SURFs and teachers in LVEA
- Cyrus to EY to install computers in racks
- Ken to EY to work on electrical
- Hanford groundwater inspectors on site
- Patrick to ISCT4 to shut off hose for a dust monitor

Dani added new EPICS alarms under the PSL menu to alert you in the event that eye-hazardous amounts of PSL laser power leaks past the RM.  Look for alarms in the IOO-MC_PWR_IN or RM OSEM channels that will alert you to excess light and a dangerously aligned RM, respectively.  If these alarms ring and you have not been informed accordingly, press the laser kill switch (at former scimon workstation) and call Dani immediately.

Yet, this is extremely unlikely because the RM has been railed with a hardware voltage bias that has been tagged out, the half waveplate rotator has been de-energized, and the PSL table interlocks are engaged.