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Reports until 09:20, Thursday 30 June 2011
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:20, Thursday 30 June 2011 (1006)
ITMY "ini" File
After discovering that get_data.m could not retrieve data (when I was able to retrieve stored data the week before) I went to D. Barker for help. After a few minutes of help from the CDS Masters (Jedi, Geniuses, whichever you prefer), they found that during the last make, make/install of h2susitmy, the H2SUSITMY.ini file had been hijacked by the RCG and all acquire=1 were overwritten to acquire=0. If nothing is being stored, nothing can be retrieved. Some quick search/replace calls and the file was fixed. A new copy is saved at /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/Common/DaqFiles/H2SUSITMY.ini.20110630 (as a backup to the archive directory or if you don't want to try and figure out when the last time we had a working copy). Restarted H2SUSITMY and restarted the h2dc0 (with permission of course). We can now see past data, yeah!
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.