The fit check of the work platform continued around BSC-4 today. The hand-rails were in place and Dale Ingram used the platform to advantage while filming the BSC ISI flight. I sent work platform pictures off to Brian O'Reilly so that he could send back questions. John and Bubba both plan some careful measuring on Tuesday, 05 July, as HEPI actuators and the chamber cleanroom must be taken into account to determine if changes are needed. Randy and crew worked on the relocation of many items in the West Bay to provide better passage around the test stands and their cleanrooms. Two ion pumps were moved to the termination slab, two HAM doors were moved over by HAM-11/12 along with the rectangular 4-point spreader-bar. Once space was cleared, they picked the Fiber Welding cleanroom and placed it to the west of the Test Stand 2 cleanroom. Just as the ISI was exiting the Staging Building, Test Stand 3 arrived from MCE. It was delivered to Y-end and unloaded by Mark Dodson and Slim. Some parts were placed in the first airlock and some were placed in the second airlock. While I was at Y-end for a brief inspection of the parts (uneventful but I'll take a closer look on Tuesday), Mark, Slim, and I talked about reorganizing things a bit (moving the refrigerator out of the entry way, where to put the two tan cabinets, could cleanroom parts be consolidated and stored) I looked at the Type A (Test Stand) and B (Work Space) cleanrooms that Dave, Nicole and Kevin have been working on. The Type B nests very nicely under the Type A which is good news.