First article walking plates arrived from Apollo for the fit check. We (John, Bubba, myself) discussed cleaning requirements for the fit check and which BSC/cleanroom to use for the fit check. We tentatively agreed that we will use BSC-4 and will look at the possibility of moving the cleanroom skeleton from Mid-Y to the corner as LVEA BSC cleanrooms are either in use (BSC-7) or effectively trapped. Brian O'Reilly was in touch with questions/concerns about the work platforms. Hugh expressed concern about the fact that the work platforms were touching the HEPI crossbeams. He and Bubba discussed possible solutions (some kind of bracing system that uses the BSC as a stabilizing influence on the work platform?). Richard, Ken, and I discussed possible locations for Y-end VEA cable trays given the constraints of install tooling (E-module, spiral staircase, garbing/staging cleanrooms, etc).