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Reports until 16:42, Friday 08 July 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Friday 08 July 2011 (1034)
Vertex pumping
Kyle, Gerardo 

Put viewport covers on (2) squeezer viewports (South door HAM4).  

Also, I was notified ~ 1hr into the rough pumping that the Vertex EH2600 roots pump was smelling "hot" -> I discovered that I had not opened the chilled water lines to this pump before running it -> I cracked open both lines and noted that the return line was hotter than normal.  I made a few iterations of slightly increasing the cooling water flow, followed by waiting several minutes, then slightly increasing flow, waiting etc...  After ~30 minutes of this exercise the pump temps returned to normal.  
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.