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Reports until 09:34, Monday 11 July 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Monday 11 July 2011 (1035)
Overall BSC ISI Assembly Status


The clean/in-vacuum cables were connected to the interface boards, and much of the external/dirty cabling has been connected as well.

Finally put weights on this assembly (we first had unusable iLIGO HAM weights out there, and had to get some iLIGO BSC weights craned over).  With the forklift we were able to squeeze/slide these masses on top of the Keel---space is limited here when the cleanrooms are in place.  We also put on smaller weights around the assembly as well. 

Wanted to balance the system using the Capacitive Position Sensors, but we found out there was a wiring/electronics issue.  So no balancing attempted.


On 6/30, the system was floated, but an overall twist in the system (order of 0.030" seen on dial indicators) was observed.  To address this, last week we swapped out the Flexures and re-floated.  Once again a twist was observed (about the same order and it was a counterclockwise [looking from top] twist).  We will let Fabrice know about this and then come up with a plan for where to go next.


The Stage0 Bottom is on the Granite Table and all of its helicoils have been installed. 


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