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Reports until 13:18, Tuesday 04 March 2014
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:18, Tuesday 04 March 2014 - last comment - 13:18, Tuesday 04 March 2014(10493)
H1 SUS ETMX PUM/L2 Coils Balanced
J. Kissel, A. Pele

Following the same procedure outlined in LHO aLOGs 9453 and 9079, Arnaud and I balanced the coils on the PUM stage of H1 SUS ETMX. The final balanced gains in the L2_COILOUTF bank are

Channel     Balanced COILOUTF Gain
L2 UL            +1.034
L2 LL            -1.014
L2 UR            -0.986
L2 LR            +0.966

The precision to which we could balance the coils was limited by the day-time ground motion (we saw an almost instantaneous loss in SNR once the day-time 1-10 [Hz] noise increased around 8:30a PT), but we believe the obtained values are good to within +/- 0.5%.

This balancing has reduced the L3 P and Y caused by a L2 pringle excitation at 4 [Hz] by
   DOF                  Reduction Factor @ 4.0 [Hz]
    P                          > 6.0      (peak below the noise, and totally incoherent)
    Y                          > 7.3      (peak below the noise, and only ~60% coherent)
The first attachment shows the result from which these values were obtained, comparing the optical lever ASD at 4 [Hz] driven from L2 at the same amplitude for both balanced and unbalanced configurations.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Tuesday 04 March 2014 (10494)
Measurement Details

Coil Driver Configuration:
State = -2, with all COILOUTF compensation filters turned off
This is the configuration which gets the most drive to the coils, given that the analog driver in this "acquire" configuration has [z:p] = [1.35:80.5], see LLO aLOG 4495).

Demodulator filters used:
SIG band pass: BP4.0Hz = butter("BandPass",2,3.5,4.0)
DEMOD I & Q low-pass: CLP50mHz = cheby1("LowPass",2,3,0.05)

Demodulator Drive Parameters
 Freq [Hz]     Amp [ct]     Sin [ct]    Cos [ct]
 4.0          125000         10000     10000
 4.0          125000         10000     10000
Note -- we started off at 6 [Hz], but was not able to get enough SNR with a half-hour's worth of effort, so we moved down to 4 [Hz]. Again, we want to stay away from any suspension resonances that might complicate the signal, but get the frequency high-enough that we get lots of cycles inside the 50 [mHz] band pass.

SEI Configuration:
HPI: Level 1 Isolation, "Pos" position sensor only blend filters
ST1: Level 3 Isolation, "TCrappy" blend filters (in all DOFs)
ST2: Level 3 Isolation, "TStart" blend filters (in all DOFs)
Note -- we had started around 7:30a PT this morning, but the day-time ~1-10 [Hz] noise quickly started to create a lot of excess noise at our drive frequency. We played around with the ST2 blend configuration until we found something we'd liked. I'm not sure that it makes sense -- the TCrappy filters have a factor of 2e-4 displacement sensor isolation at 1 [Hz], where the TStart only has a factor of 0.3 -- but the SNR was clearly better with TStart on ST2. (see LHO aLOG 10408 for blend filter details).

Resulting Demod Phases:
Measured using a 300 second average of the demodulated signals, i.e.
     Demod Phase [deg]          Unbalanced Value [ct]    Balanced Value [ct]
P       145              I         +1.385 pm ~0.5           -0.12 pm ~0.75
                         Q         -0.064 pm ~0.5           -0.08 pm ~0.75
Y       153              I         +1.027 pm ~0.2           -0.09 pm ~0.25
                         Q          0.054 pm ~0.2            0.08 pm ~0.25

To perturb the PIT or YAW balancing by 1%:
/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/PythonTools/perturbcoilbalance_fourosem.py H1 ETMX L2 [PIT/YAW] 0.01

Exact balanced values:
Measured using a simple command line caget, i.e.
 Coil     COILOUTF Gain
UL         1.03422
LL        -1.01374
UR        -0.98575
LR         0.96623
Of course, these values are set at arbitrary precession, they're rounded to the above quoted precession (a) because the measurement uncertainty is no better than 0.5%, and (b) the MEDM screen does not display out to higher precession, so further precision would not be visible.
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