Reports until 16:55, Thursday 14 July 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Thursday 14 July 2011 (1053)
H2 RCG upgraded to latest 2.3 branch

I upgraded the H2 systems to the latest 2.3 branch version. This will give team-ISI the new immediate readback feature for the controlled filter modules needed to synchronize digital and analog filters.

Our version of 2.3 had some local mods, which I backed up before the upgrade.

The main surprise from the upgrade was that the slope line in the generated ini files changed from 6.1028e-05 to 6.1035e-04. Since the General Standard ADC has a 40V peak-to-peak range over 64k counts, a simple calculation

40/(1024*64) = 6.1035e-04

shows the new value is correct. This value is used by NDS clients if a count-to-volts conversion is needed. The front end systems use counts only.