Reports until 17:53, Thursday 29 July 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:53, Thursday 29 July 2010 (108)
script to test if all processes are running on seiteststand
I've created a program called system_check which
checks all the front end processes are running correctly.
It also checks for duplication.

[controls@seiteststand scripts]$ system_check 
Checking setup_shmem.rtl g1x01 g1isiham ... pid = 5732
Checking g1x01epics ... pid = 4994
Checking g1x01fe.rtl ... pid = 5022
Checking awgtpman -s g1x01 ... pid = 5025
Checking g1isihamepics ... pid = 5249
Checking g1isihamfe.rtl ... pid = 5283
Checking awgtpman -s g1isiham ... pid = 5288
Checking daqd ... pid = 5418
Checking nds ... pid = 19919