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Reports until 11:11, Thursday 21 July 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Thursday 21 July 2011 (1082)
Dust mitigation effort in bake oven room (room 169)
Christina, Terry, Kyle 

Noticed that the power/data cable connecting the dust monitor in the CS bake oven room to the CDS system penetrates the ceiling tile directly above the dust monitor sample intake.  This cable was free hanging and not strain relieved effectively.  The original "glob" of caulk used to seal this penetration had long ago been pulled away such that the penetration through the "chalky" ceiling tile was raining down an infinite source of dust particles to the dust monitor intake -> I added two wall-mounted cable clamps to prevent cable motion at the penetration, a rubber grommet at the penetration and re-caulked the penetration. Additionally I taped the periphery of two ceiling tiles above the dust monitor as they showed evidence of having been removed but not re-caulked at some point in the past.  Terry and Christina wiped down various surfaces and HEPA vacuumed the floor.
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