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Reports until 12:02, Friday 30 July 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Friday 30 July 2010 (110)
more details on dtt test timeout problem
This problem is still a mystery. Usually dtt "test timed out"
problems mean that the system clock and the daq clock are off
by several seconds or more. In this case the dtt and daq are
running on the same machine, and the system clock was spot on!

Previously when I had to correct the bscteststand clock, I had
the restart the daqd to pacify dtt. So today, I just restarted
daqd and it did the trick, but the clock was good all along!

I'm monitoring the clock corrections (done by cronjob) in the file
Perhaps the local quartz clock is having aging problems (battery failure)?
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