Reports until 16:32, Thursday 27 March 2014
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Thursday 27 March 2014 - last comment - 09:19, Friday 04 April 2014(11044)
ITMx Monolithic Welding

The new ITMx monolithic welding has been successfully completed and was left suspended overnight last night.  The majority of the modal measurements have also been completed today, with the exception of the violin modes, which are proving to be trickier to measure than in previous suspensions.  We will continue with these measurements tomorrow with some different equipment.  Stay tuned for subsequent posts with IAS and modal measurement numbers.

Comments related to this report
angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - 12:28, Friday 28 March 2014 (11062)
Modal frequencies of the test mass (ITMX) with the PUM nominally locked are:

          value	resolution		
Pendulum   0.649	0.002						
Pitch	   1.1153	0.002		
Yaw	   1.0928	0.002		
Bounce	   6.74 	0.016		
Roll	   9.195	0.016		

Violin modes				fibre serial number
BR	   499.9	0.06		S1400155
BL	   501.2	0.06		S1400156
FR	   500.8	0.06		S1400138
FL	   502.2	0.06		S1400153

[just as a note to self as much as anything - remember to use the Uniform window on the spectrum analyser for the violin modes when using the chirped sweep output]
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jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 09:19, Friday 04 April 2014 (11171)

Forgot to post this last week.  Final alignment numbers from the ITMx welding (all directions/rotations reported from the view of the IAS equipment, i.e. looking at the HR face of the ITMx):

  • Pitch
    • PUM: 10 µrad down
    • ITMx: 2.12 mrad down
    • Differential: 2.11 mrad down
      • The pitch of the ITMx in chamber is 619 µrad down, so we align the ITMx for the welding at this pitch.  Since we are targeting a differential pitch of 619 µrad down, we only missed our target by 1.49 mrad, which puts us within the 2.0 mrad differential pitch spec
    • Differential Spec: 2.0 mrad
  • Roll
    • PUM: ±0.05 mm CW
    • ITMx: ±0.25 mm CW
    • Differential: ±0.2 mm CW
  • Center of Mass Separation
    • Left: 601.3 mm
    • Right: 601.7 mm
    • Target (for both sides): 602.0 mm