I have added and committed plots in .fig and .pdf formats of the Transfer Functions for both the co-located(L2L) and IFO coordinate (M2M) basis. I edited some of the original scripts used to plot these (traditionally titled 'TFanalyze') and added a few tweaks to save plots in both formats. They also concatenate the data such that various parameters in the 'TFcollect' scripts can be tracked easily and data plotted without too much editing of the analysis scripts. The plots are located in the repository in: '~seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_1/Figures/' The plots are of the L2L TFs from July 04 and July 13 with bandwidths from 0.025-800Hz and 0.05-50Hz, respectively. Also, the M2M plots are from the same dates and bandwidths. The scripts are located in the repository at: '~/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Scripts/DataAnalysis/unit_1/' The new scripts: TFanalyze_100704_L2L_0p025to800hz.m TFanalyze_100713_L2L.m TFanalyze_100704_M2M_0p025to800hz.m TFanalyze_100713_M2M.m I plan on moving these over as templates to the other unit_x folders. Also, I cleaned up the structure of the repository a bit. Now, under the '~/Scripts/' directory, we have separate folders for the assemblies' (units) 'DataCollection' and 'DataAnalysis' folders. So now unit_1's DataCollection folder is in the path '/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Scripts/DataAnalysis/unit_1/'. Same for '~DataAnalysis/'. The '~/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/' folder also has this structure.