Reports until 10:26, Thursday 28 July 2011
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:26, Thursday 28 July 2011 - last comment - 13:13, Thursday 28 July 2011(1112)
Short outage on the LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki starting at 1pm Pacific today

The LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki will receive a security update today at 1pm Pacific [3pm Central, 4pm Eastern].

The update will require users to log into the systems again.

Users are advised to save their logbook and wiki entries prior to 1pm pacific [3pm central, 4pm eastern] to avoid losing them.  Users who are simply reading the aLOG should notice no interruption.

This message will be repeated in the LHO aLOG.  I will post a comment to the aLOG when the update is completed to avoid spamming lsc-all.
Jonathan Hanks
General Computing Sys Admin
LIGO Hanford Observatory

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 13:13, Thursday 28 July 2011 (1114)

The LHO aLOG and the aLIGO project wiki (awiki) have been updated.

Maintenance is complete.