Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:23, Friday 04 April 2014
giles.hammond@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:23, Friday 04 April 2014 (11184)
ITMY modal frequencies
Today we finished off measuring the modal/violin frequencies of ITMY. Everything looks fine. These are briefly summarised below:

			frequency (Hz)			bin width (Hz)
pendulum		0.65				1.56E-02
transverse		0.656				1.56E-02
pitch			1.109				1.56E-02
yaw			1.094				1.56E-02
bounce (*)		6.87				1.25E-01
roll   (*)		9.7				1.25E-01
* Note: bounce and roll will be sqrt(2) higher when both PUM and ITM are free (9.7Hz/13.7Hz)

Violin modes						
			frequency (Hz)			bin width (Hz)
Back Left		501.5	          		2.50E-01
Back Right		501.3		        	2.50E-01
Front Left		504.2			        2.50E-01
Front Right		502.8			        2.50E-01

The average violin mode is 502.4Hz with a standard deviatioin of 1.3Hz (+1.7Hz, -1.1Hz)

Fibre guards have now been installed.

Giles, Travis, Jason, Gary, Betsy 
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.