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Reports until 13:24, Monday 02 August 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:24, Monday 02 August 2010 (112)
Unit #1 HAM-ISI Boxed Up!
(Eric A., Jodi F., Corey G., Hugh R., Mitch R., Jim W.)

Last Friday (8/30/10), the seismic team boxed up the first Advanced LIGO HAM-ISI (Unit #1).  This endeavor went smoothly.  The Unit#1 Box remains in the Staging Bldg in the open area outside of the cleanrooms (it will be moved out when we receive our new powerful forklift which will be able to haul it up the "hill".  It will then be stored in the Vacuum Prep Warehouse.

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