The damping loops have been closed on the ISI-BSC8 using the experimental model. Before setting up the damping filters, actuators and geophones symmetrization filters were also installed. No time was spent on tuning. All damping loops have the same poles and zeros. Powerspectra when the ISI is non-controlled and controlled can be found at: Matlab: LHO_ISI_BSC8_Powerspectra_CT_ST1_L4C_Undamped_Damped_2011_07_29.fig LHO_ISI_BSC8_Powerspectra_CT_ST2_GS13_Undamped_Damped_2011_07_29.fig PDF: LHO_ISI_BSC8_Powerspectra_CT_ST1_L4C_Undamped_Damped_2011_07_29.pdf LHO_ISI_BSC8_Powerspectra_CT_ST2_GS13_Undamped_Damped_2011_07_29.pdf