Reports until 07:29, Wednesday 10 August 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:29, Wednesday 10 August 2011 (1177)
BSC ISI Assembly Status

(Corey, Eric, Jim)   :::   Work from Tuesday 8/9/11   :::



Today we received the word to swap out our non-vacuum-worthy GS-13s for good (vacuum-ready) ones we received from LLO yesterday.  So, this required us to disconnect some cables, remove some weights from doors, remove doors, and then remove the old GS-13s.  Before installing the new GS13s we ended up reaming out the undersized 3/8" dowel pin holes on all of the new GS13s.  Then the GS13's were installed.  Overall, the time required for this swap was roughly (5)hrs with two people.  Can't get much faster than that since we only have one forklift for the Verticals, and only one set of "tooling" (teflon blocks) for the Horizontals.  Here are the serial numbers and locations of new GS13s:




Trillium bolts installed

Recieved the correct Class-A 3" long 1/4-20 bolts for our trilliums.  So, cables disconnected, weights & doors removed, and then the correct bolts were installed and re-installed everything.  We couldn't get a torque wrench on the rear-right bolt, so we torqued this by hand.

Actuator Wiring

After we wired up the Actuators, it was discovered that we wired the Fine ones correctly and the Coarse ones incorrectly (in the medm-world, the sign was opposite to desired motion).  So, Jim went in and reversed the wiring for the Coarse Actuators (see photos).


Majority of Optics Table holes are helicoiled (Eric did the job of finishing this table off!).  (there are probably less than a dozen 3/8" holes and then a few 1/4" Spring Hatch holes remaining).  Of course, now we have lots of helicoil tangs to break off.

Images attached to this report