Reports until 16:32, Tuesday 09 August 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Tuesday 09 August 2011 - last comment - 21:00, Tuesday 09 August 2011(1186)
ITMy fussy R0
After an hour of me perusing over the reaction chain for something else gross in it's mechanics, I came up empty handed.  I went ahead and adjusted the PenRe AOSEMs correcting for the adjustments I made late last week while the Top Mass wire clamps was mis-seated.  I centered up the AOSEMs nicely on the PEN flags, recovering much vertical range.  I doubt something was rubbing there, but you know...

Andres joined me a bit ago and also came up empty handed in a search for something out of place on R0.  Pictures of R0 things to follow for the curious.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:00, Tuesday 09 August 2011 (1188)
I've uploaded pictures taken this afternoon onto ResourceSpace, for all the "Brett's" out there.  Not too much detail, but maybe they will spur some ideas:

(or search "ITMy" if the link doesn't work...)