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Reports until 11:59, Thursday 11 August 2011
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Thursday 11 August 2011 (1195)
Vacuum Feed-thru failures---ISI CPS Triax Connector
Similar to what Corey reported in LHO aLOG 1160, we have two more Triax feed thru failures. These occurred in Clean and Bake processes but no one knows how they broke. I think this just testifies to the fragility of these connectors. As Corey reported, the connector was just found to be broken. I attach a number of photos here trying to focus in close but with only marginal success at good visibility. The real life observation is that there appears to be a band of metal that intrudes into the ceramic space-presumably for strength. The ceramic appears to fail very near this band as the band looks to remain, at least partly in the broken free connector. The amount of ceramic looks decidedly less that the BNC style for the HAM CPS. While we have had some failures of these HAM BNC connectors, that has only occurred during shipping to my knowledge.
I don't know the solution to this problem. It looks to me that the connector would be stronger pushing in rather than pushing out, much the way the vacuum would stress the feed-thru--so that is good. In that light, I've directed C&B to always set them down such that when they must/should rest on the feed-thru, they push the connector in rather than out.

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