Reports until 15:46, Friday 12 August 2011
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 12 August 2011 (1208)
Update to H2 SUS ITMY Electronics
R. Lane

Update to  Post 1205.

After looking at the model, the issue for the mysterious L2 (PUM) signals was a software error, not hardware. The ADC channel selectors in the model were updated to account for the ESD channels, and the L2 channels were not "fixed" at the same time as the other channels were. I corrected the model, committed the change to the SVN, and restarted the model. I also looked at the model for ITMX, it looked good. I did not find a final channel mapping for ETMY to see if it would include the same ESD channel mapping. The h2susbs model, does have some incorrect channel mapping, but I am not sure what they should be. The affected channels are OPLEV_SUM_IN, OPLEV_PITCH_IN, and OPLEV_YAW_IN. They will need to be fixed before they are used.