Reports until 00:45, Saturday 13 August 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:45, Saturday 13 August 2011 (1214)
CP5 alarm
2055 received CP5 alarm -> Site overview from home PC indicated CP5 was 75% full, LLCV 98% and exhaust 1.7 psig -> Came onsite to investigate.  Indicated rate of change of pump level not consistent with maximum observed boil-off rate -> Probably level transducer failing. PID response to bogus low level was to overfill CP5

-> found CP5 dewar pressure relief circuit closed and over-pressure relief valve open and flowing GN2.  Regeneration line frosted indicating overfilling of CP5 (broken weld at ambient-air vaporizer allows reverse flow through this line to atmosphere, basically acting like a parallel exhaust line for pump when overfilled) -> I opened the pressure relief circuit (Praxair driver must have closed this and forgot to reopen during most recent CP5 delivery on July 27th).

I will replace transducer(s) tomorrow.  For now, I switched CP5 to manual control with LLCV @ 55% open.  

NOTE-Indicated CDS values for the pump may be intermittently bogus until transducer replacement.