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Reports until 18:30, Wednesday 11 June 2014
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Wednesday 11 June 2014 (12322)
H1 HPI ETMX Pump Failure
R. Mittleman, J. Kissel

Rich found H1 ETMX HEPI unable to drive, and after a little bit of investigation, he found the "Pressure OK" indicator on the pump controller screen indicating badness. We drive to the end station and did the following:
- Confirmed that we heard the pumps not running.
- Found the "Heartbeat" LED blinking green, the "Level Alarm" LED solid red, and no light from the "Pressure OK" LED.
- Confirmed that the power supply was feeding the pump servo box +/-15 [V] (as indicated on the box itself)
- Confirmed with a DVM that power cable from the power supply at the pump servo box was outputing +/-15 [V]
- Disconnected and reconnected the power cable to the pump servo. No change, but all LEDs turned off.
- When into the pump controller box, which sounded as though it was whirring with power, and the digital readout said "OU3," which we presumed to mean "0.03"
- Rich hit the "RESET" button on the control panel, then hit "FWD," and the digital readout went to 0, but no action from the pump.
- Of the 4 The "OUT" spigots on the pump servo box, #1 was is sent to the pump controller, and all four spigots were sending out ~0.05 [V] which is ~0.
- With power on, the pump servo box's fan did spin up.
- Just to check, with everything re-powered on, we physically lowered the fluid level threshold a smidge, but this also failed to resurrect the pump.

We conclude that the pump servo box has let out its smoke in some unknown fashion. The serial number of the box is S1301037.

Once we got back to the control room, we found the pump controller screen white as well...

Pictures of the various things attached.
Pg 1 -- Fluid Level indicator. Looks like plenty of fluid.
Pg 2 -- Back of pump servo showing heartbeat, level alarm, pressure OK LEDs (off at this point)
Pg 3 -- Fluid level fluid lever threshold that was lower a smidge
Pg 4 -- display and buttons of control panel
Pg 5 -- front of pump servo box
Pg 6 -- Close up of serial number
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