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Reports until 10:57, Friday 19 August 2011
H2 General
richard.mittleman@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Friday 19 August 2011 (1256)
ISI interface chassis
  We have two failures modes of the interface box,

  the first is on the geophone channels that is characterised by having a DC offset (~4000 counts which i think is ~1volt) on the channel.
The low frequency power spectra is also anomalous. This problem also might be intermittent, as in sometimes goes away when we power cycle.
Richard has this board now and hopefully will come up with a diagnostic.

  the second is in the pressure sensor monitor, some channel slowly (a few seconds) ramp to full voltage, we will pull one of these boxes as soon as the first board gets repaired.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.