Reports until 15:55, Monday 22 August 2011
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Monday 22 August 2011 (1268)
Split crew: Carolyn, Chris, and Scott H. played support roles today.

Mark Layne and I removed bellows protection and the started the fiber hunt on the support tubes. I took a few pix: please see below. We collected several of the more flamboyant fibers just in case anyone wants to look at them later. 

Then, it was time for vacuuming: bellows, ring, lower chamber, and chamber floor.

Wipe down was started after lunch. Mark and I agreed on locations for Rai's wipe samples, so we will collect those as we go. Wipe down of the collar was completed.

Some tooling and staging work was also completed today. Zack finished taking apart all the drills that seized when we tried to use them in this chamber. The parts have been sorted and will be cleaned. Then, we will try the LLO random re-assembly method on those. The drills that worked in chamber have been set aside for now. Randy and Mick moved the pedestals for supporting the dome and staging tables down to Y-end.
Images attached to this report