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Reports until 18:28, Monday 22 August 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Monday 22 August 2011 (1271)
J. Kissel, J. Garcia, V. Sandberg, F. Clara

Now that the BSFM has been suspended, we set out to turn on the OSEMs and read out the open light from them. We initially noticed there was simply bit noise on the medm screens. After power-cycling the SUS test stand rack IOP and FrontEnd processes, the input values read out bit noise after checking all physical cable connections.  Several reboots were in order but to no avail. It occurred to us to check the rack for any missing hardware, and lo and behold, our Anti-Aliasing chassis had disappeared from its seat in the rack. We went in search of what we knew was initially installed in the rack: the Version 1 style AA chassis (the ones with the old metal tags, as opposed to the fancy new bar code stickers) in the EE shop.  It was rumored this box had been transported to the LVEA for testing purposes, but was not found there either.  We eventually tracked it down under a pile of electronics boxes on a shelf in the EE lab. The serial number for this particular box is now S1104801 (old number was S080010, new number to be later added) with a drawing number of D070081-V1.   Functionality was confirmed and later installed in the SUS test stand rack.

After re-cabling the chassis, the IOP and FrontEnd processes were ran again. Input signals read out to our satisfaction and we rolled on to the next step of preparing the assembly. The "Prepare_BSFM_06272011.m" script was then run from the '~[SusSVN]/BSFM/X1/Common/Scripts/' directory on the SUS workstation.  With the appropriate medm screens open, we confirmed the script entered the offset, matrix, and switch values. The medm values confirmed we were looking at open light readout from the OSEMS.

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