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Reports until 23:48, Tuesday 23 August 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:48, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1283)
X1SUSBSFM OSEMs installed, centered
J. Bartlett, V. Brocato, J. Kissel

After restoring the functionality of the SUS BSC Test Stand, Jeff and Virginia installed new Flat Flags D1100573 on BSFM01 in the staging building, and then installed and aligned the already-cabled up OSEMs. We then centered the M1 flags both in the sensitive axis ("In and Out", to a 15k count offset) and together we ran through an OSEM diagonalization to align the flags perpendicular to the sensitive axis (using those pesky CAM Nuts). Though the M2 stage OSEMs were centered along the sensitive axis (again assuming 15k offset), we did not attempt to do any better perpendicular alignment than by eye.

OSEM diagonalization templates for a Test Stand BSFM live in 

Just because -- I took a high resolution version of the same thing, when the suspension has settled nicely for an evening, and is wrapped up in a C3 shroud, to see how good we can do. See attached .pdfs. As we have seen in the past F1 is the worst offender at about 10 - 15dB isolation from the drive degree of freedom when driving in both Vertical and Yaw (and it should not be sensitive to either). Other OSEMs (coherently) show 30 dB of isolation or greater, which is expected.
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