Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 08:33, Wednesday 24 August 2011
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:33, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1284)
Power Failure for Staging Building Test Stands
Tuesday afternoon about 1500 PDT the 20A circuit that powers both seismic and suspension test stands tripped.  It appears that extra equipment had been plugged in to the circuit, overloading it.

The suspension test stand was powered up and the x1iop model was restarted.  The bscteststand computer (the old test stand) was left powered off to conserve power.  The NFS mount on the workstation (suswork1) for /bscteststand was removed.  If users find they need data from the old controls account on bscteststand, this can be restored, contact me.  

The seismic test stand computer was left powered down until it is needed.  

The iMac for the suspension test stand was configured to allow the medm, dataviewer, and diaggui tool bar icons to function for the cleanroom user account.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.