Reports until 09:23, Wednesday 31 August 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:23, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1305)
BSCISI#3 Assembly Status

(Corey, Jim)

Now that the superstructure assembly is complete, we are now pecking away at items we weren't able to do earlier (due to lack of parts), or are in the procedure for post-superstructure.


The 0-1 & 1-2 Lockers are installed.  (Don't forget:  slide in the Spring Barrel Nuts before installing the Stage0-1 Lockers...we always seem to forget this until after the fact!).


Flexure Rod Bracket assemblies are installed.  The Stage1-2 Spring Posts have also been installed.  We are now staged and ready for installation of the Springs.


Went through a few iterations of installing the Stage1-2 Actuators due to gaps not looking nominal after tooling was removed post installation.  I had gaps bigger than our NO-GO value a few times, but after a while, I think I was able to atleast get gaps under our NO-GO value.  (not sure what magic spells [or re-machinging of tooling or tightening of tolerances] are required to make this non-trivial).

For the Stage0-1 Actuators, when the Actuator Post was installed it was discovered that some hardware has fallen through the cracks.  The HK 1/2-13x2" bolts used to secure the post to Stage0 also happen to be used for lifting/transporting the entire assembly.  The latter bolts are the ones which had been accounted for and ordered, so we stole from this supply to install the assy#1 & #2 Actuator Posts.  At any rate, we are short because these bolts weren't ordered for the Posts.  Jim/Mitch are remedying this issue (getting these bolts into our hardware lists) & have also notified Celine at LLO.  In the meantime, we did have (6) of these bolts (we need [18]).  We went with a work-around here, BUT this variance needs to be corrected when we get the correct bolts.  Talked with Jim and thought we'd call/flag a variance like this as an "errata"......

BSCISI#3 Assembly Errata

Entry#1 20110830:  Due to lack of hardware, did not have enough HK 1/2-13 x 2" bolts for Stage0-1 Actuator Posts.  Temporary solution is to use (2) of the called out bolts in the holes which are in-accessible after assembly (basically two of the bolts here are under the Optics Table and switching them out later would be exteremely grievous!  The other (4) bolts used are generic 1/2-13x 2.5" bolts.  These generic bolts must be swapped out with the correct HK bolts once they are available!

The Stage0-1 Actuators were installed on to Stage1, but we chose NOT to connect to Stage0 at this time.  Due to the twist observed on Assy#2, it was decided to hold off on making this Actuator connection until after we float. 

Here are the Serial Numbers/positions of Actuators installed:

Small Actuators




Large Actuators





With the Flexure Rod Brackets and Actuators installed, we were now able to install the Stage1 Ribs where the Trilliums are located.  The GS-13 Closeout Doors were also installed.