Reports until 16:37, Monday 29 August 2011
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Monday 29 August 2011 - last comment - 17:41, Wednesday 31 August 2011(1316)
First H2 ITMY Quad R0 suspension Transfer Functions
J. Kissel, J. Garcia

The attached pdf includes plots of the open-loop transfer function measurements as well as the model for each Euler-basis degree-of-freedom of the top mass reaction chain (R0).  The plots display the calibrated measurement of the open loop transfer function from the test excitation channels ('H2:SUS-ITMY_R0_*DoF*_EXC") to the Damping filter inputs ('H:SUS-ITMY_RO_*DOF*_IN1_DQ').  Initial measurements agree quite well with the models.  More analysis and more measurements to come.  The measurement was conducted last Friday morning with the BSC-ISI Damping loops ON.
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 17:41, Wednesday 31 August 2011 (1328)
To clarify a few items:

1.) These are not the first H2 ITMY QUAD R0 Transfer Functions in general, rather these are the first since the mating of the QUAD to the BSC-ISI.  

2.) The Damping Loops of the BSC-ISI were ON, but local damping of the QUAD was OFF.

3.) I should note the location of the data and scripts used to plot and take the data.

All data and scripts are in the SUS SVN --> '/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/' under the following sub-directories:

The data file for this measurement is in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGR0/Data/' with
filename = "2011-08-25-998352104_H2SUSITMY_R0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs_tf.mat"

Script for data collection in '~/trunk/QUAD/H2/ITMY/SAGR0/Scripts/'
file name = "collectTF_20110825_H2SUSITMY_R0_0p01to50Hz_AllDOFs.m"

Script for plotting in '~/trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools/'
file name = "plotquad_matlabtfs.m"