Reports until 08:49, Tuesday 06 September 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:49, Tuesday 06 September 2011 (1330)
BSC-ISI Assembly Status

(Corey, Jim)

This entry covers ISI assembly work from last week.


L4C Replaced

H1 L4C s/n 34 (non-vacuum-ready) was replaced with s/n 76 (leak-checked & vacuum ready).  This was a horizontal at Corner1.  This L4C will need to be tested to confirm it is good for end use.


Both Types of Springs Installed & Loaded

Installed all Springs and loaded them.  Here are the Flexure S/N's:




A note on the Spring Pre-Loading Tool (namely with the Stage0-1 portion of it).  A short & long Pusher Bolt is used to push the Spring to it's loaded position.  As these Bolts are screwed down, the head of these Pusher Bolts get close to the heads of some 1/4-20 bolts used to keep these Pushers in place.  So one has to be careful not to jam a wrench into these 1/4-20's.  Although one would hope it would be hard and obvious, it's conceivable one could break the heads of these 1/4-20 bolts with their wrench when they are Pushing down on the spring.  Jim mentioned the use of hex head 1/4-20's could be used here (offering a lower profile/less interference with these bolts).  Photos of this issue are attached.

Vertical GS13's Installed

Once the Springs were installed, Vert GS13's  were put on assembly via the forklift.  (These ones have bad Pods [wrong screws used for base flange] and need to eventually be replaced before installed in BSC---SO THEY ARE TEMPORARY!)

Locker Shims Used

The Lockers were installed last week.  Here are the current thicknesses of the shims used to make the Lockers operational:




For BSCISI#3, now at a point where we are waiting for remaining parts (namely Capacitive Position Sensors, Trillium seismometers, cabling, etc.).

Images attached to this report