Reports until 16:15, Thursday 01 September 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Thursday 01 September 2011 (1332)
FMY is now in the LVEA
B.Bland, T. Sadecki, J. Bartlett, A. Ramirez, Apollo Crew

Today the SUS crew dismounted the BSFM assembly (the future FMY) from the solid stack in the Staging Building, socked it up, and covered it in its protective housing.  It was then transported across the street into the LVEA high bay area where a few of the Apollo crew craned it over the X-arm beam tube to its present location outside of the BSC-ISI & Quad test stand clean room.  It is currently still in its sock and inside its metal protective housing.  Plans for tomorrow are to uncover the FMY, weigh it, then mate it to the BSC-ISI.