Reports until 09:29, Friday 02 September 2011
brian.lantz@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:29, Friday 02 September 2011 (1337)
changes to the 2 stage isi master and h2isiitmy diagrams
Brian Lantz made a set of changes to the watchdog for the bsc-isi system, in concert with Vincent.
following are the notes on the updates.
changes to the master model

for ST1
 - added input 25 'Payload_watchdog'
 - put 'Payload_watchdog as input 6 to ISIWATCHDOG inline c (replaced a ground)
 - changed the inline c code to be ISIWATCHDOG function in the c-code ISIWD.c
 for ST2
  reorder the inputs to the ST2 watchdog
     _now_     _was_
  1   CPS      CPS
  2   GS13     GS13
  3  ST1_WD    ACT
  4   BIO      BIO
  5   ACT      ST1 WD
  6   payload  PAYLOADWD_IN  cdsEpicsIn
  7   reset    reset
  in the BIO
  changed the bits watched by the coil driver, per the Ben Abbott 
  D0901301-V5 and DCN E1100821
  changed the ADD to a 6 input NAND,
  added 2 new epics vars, BIO_IN_ST1_CD_TRIP and BIO_IN_ST2_CD_TRIP.
  these should be 0 if the coil drives are OK, and 1 if the coil drives are tripped.
  change the h2isiitmy model
  1) back up old model:
  userapps/release/isi/h2/models$ cp h2isiitmy.mdl h2isiitmy_preSept1_2011.mdl

In The ITMY model
- new master model appears correctly
- route the Digital Outs via a goto/from tag pair to clean up screen where the payload block will go
- send the 1's to the ISC inputs, and the 65535s to the compter test points.

- added new block for the payload, copy from S1:ISI-ITMX model
- the SUS WD vars are:


From: Jeff Kissel 
Date: August 30, 2011 10:29:51 AM PDT
To: Brian Lantz 
Cc: Vincent Lhuillier , Fabrice Matichard , Jeff Garcia 
Subject: Re: BSC watchdog update

Hey Brian,
Sounds good to me. Jeff Garcia can be around if you need anything from the suspensions side. The FM does not have a dedicated watchdog epics variable for you, but for now you can use
which is 0 if OK, non-zero if BAD (exactly like what's in the seismic WDMON block).

If we find that the "only watch the top stage" functionality is good in general for any suspension (besides the QUAD, which has the afore mentioned H2:SUS-ITMY_M0R0_WDMON_STATE), then we won't need to add in any specially dedicated channels for you, as there will be a similar variable for every other suspension.

I'll be in my office if you need me!

Jeff Kissel

update the MEDM screen for the Payload mon

userapps/release/isi/h2/medm/h2isiitmy$ cp ../../../s1/medm/s1isiitmx/S1ISI_CUST_ITMX_PAYLOADMON.adl H2ISI_CUST_ITMY_PAYLOADMON.adl



$ perl -pi -w -e 's/S1:ISI-ITMX/H2:ISI-ITMY/g;' *PAYLOADMON.adl

-- update the watchdog screen
userapps/release/isi/h2/medm/h2isiitmy$ cp ../../../s1/medm/s1isiitmx/S1ISI_CUST_ITMX_WATCHDOG.adl H2ISI_CUST_ITMY_WATCHDOG.adl

change the file name at the top of the file to:
change the epics vars - 	
userapps/release/isi/h2/medm/h2isiitmy$ perl -pi -w -e 's/S1:ISI-ITMX/H2:ISI-ITMY/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl

change the 2 related displays to:
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/S1:ISI-ITMX/H2:ISI-ITMY/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl

fix the calls from the BSCISItool
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/s1isiitmx/h2isiitmy/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl

fix the paths and names of related displays
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/stn/s1/lho/h2/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/isi/s1/isi/h2/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/S1ISI_CUST_ITMX/H2ISI_CUST_ITMY/g;' *WATCHDOG.adl