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Reports until 20:40, Tuesday 12 August 2014
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:40, Tuesday 12 August 2014 - last comment - 10:21, Wednesday 13 August 2014(13378)
IMC Length Measurement

(Dan, Alexa)

Since the MC cavity length was adjusted, we repeated the MC cavity length measurement as described in alog 9679.

Data_refl9_short.txt is the data collected using REFL9. ArmCavityLength_v2.m is the script that determines the length given the zero crossing of the projection. The attached plot show the results with a linear regression included.


The cavity length is determined to  be L = 16.471698m ± 4um assuming 2 Hz accuracy. The 2 Hz accuracy comes from the accuracy of the IFR plus the extreme rattyness of the transfer function.

Compared to the previous measurement the delta L = L_old - L_new =  0.001914 ± 6um. This is very close to the expected 2mm reduction in length as mentioned in alog 12654.


If desired, we can repeat the measurement and include a zero crossing for REFL45 as well. However, we just wanted to make a measurement and get the result public...

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 10:21, Wednesday 13 August 2014 (13384)

Looking at the PRC length measurement from alog 10642, we can reevaluate the relative length mismatch:

Parameter Value Unit
FSRPRC 2.600075 MHz
LPRC 57.6508 m
FSRMC 9.100229 MHz
LMC 16.471698 m
FSRMC / 3.5 - FSRPRC -5 Hz
(1 - FSRMC / 3.5 FSRPRC) LPRC 0.1 mm
(1 - 3.5 FSRPRC / FSRMC) LMC -0.03 mm

Right on target! 9.100230 MHz should become the new modulation frequency.

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