Reports until 20:11, Friday 02 September 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:11, Friday 02 September 2011 (1340)
Hot QDP80 at X-mid

QDP80 at X-mid started running hot as of last week sometime? -> Coincides in time with switching over to auxilary chilled water circulating pump.  Particulate strainer in TMS valve is probably clogged with rust/scale introduced from valving-in long-idle non-circulating water circuit. -> Switched X-mid pumping to IP10 and shut down MTP and QDP80. Will inspect TMS strainer etc. after it has cooled down.   Also, connected iLIGO cables to PT310 gauge pair as an interim means of monitoring pressure until cables can be shortend/routed permanately etc..