Ran the Modal to Modal (i.e. Cartesian) plan measurement. This measurement was run WITHOUT DAMPING, and most of it took place while activity was minimal (i.e. quiet). Results Comments (comparing to the Unit#1 Document) [pdf plots attached] Horizontal GS13s: The magnitude of the plant looks fairly identical to the Unit#1. The oddity here is the phase of Y ::: What's up with it being 180deg out of phase?? Horizontal CPSs: Looks fairly similar to Unit#1. Vertical GS13's: Similar to the horizontal, the magnitude of the plant, but here we have the RY off in phase by 180deg. Vertical CPS's: Looks fairly similar to Unit#1. ****Below are the locations of the measurement files (they've been svn-added & committed)*** All files are at [seiteststand svn]: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/ MEASUREMENT FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataCollection/unit_2/ FILE NAMES: TFcollect_100817_M2M_0p05to5Hz.m TFcollect_100817_M2M_5to200p5Hz.m TFcollect_100817_M2M_200to800Hz.m DATA FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/TransferFunctionData/ FILE NAMES: TFcollect_100817_M2M_0p05to5Hz_test1.mat TFcollect_100817_M2M_5to200p5Hz_test1.mat TFcollect_100817_M2M_200to800Hz_test1.mat PLOTTING/DATA-CONCACENATING FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataAnalysis/unit_2/ FILE NAME: TFanalyze_100817_M2M.m .pdf & .fig FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/Figures