Last night I ran one of the long(~15hr) M2M Plant measurements [vs the 4hr one I ran yesterday]. Overall, there's nothing new with the results--main issue, once again, is the 180deg out of "phaseness" for the Y & RY GS13. From the 4hr Measurements of yesterday, this is the input I've heard back thus far: L2L (H1H2 & V1V2 plant magnitudes look bad): --Possible saturations (Rich M. didn't think so, but Kissel & Rich said we should have a "saturation check" built into our measurement) --Problem with the Interface Chasis (seems like since we have issues with h1v1 & h2v2, we would have issues with 2 of our 3 chasis) M2M (180deg phase diff for Y & RY): --Possible sign issue with the matrices From an email from Fabrice, it sounds like once we resolve this issue with the GS13's, we should then try to run DAMPING on the system---it should work. As for this measurement, nothing new is learned, other than we know we can run some really long matlab measurements over a work night with no problem.