Reports until 14:32, Tuesday 02 September 2014
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:32, Tuesday 02 September 2014 - last comment - 16:29, Monday 08 September 2014(13708)
Expected matching to the OMC
The new H1 ITMs ROC (ITM03 and ITM11) are similar to the ones in L1, but they are swapped (the wavefront error is larger from X than from Y). 

Based on  T1300954 (table 3) and Hiro's wisdom, the effective ROCs of the H1 optics, as measured in reflection, going through the bulk, are:

R_ITMX (ITM03) = 1939.3 + (-10.92*2*1.457); 
R_ITMY (ITM11)= 1939.2 + (1.56*2*1.457);

By looking at the L1 data in single bounce without TCS (below), one should expect something like ~20% mode mismatch for X and something somehow better for Y.

L1 Mode mis-match:
ITMX    14.5%
ITMY    22%

Even with an input beam perfectly matched to the PRM, I would expect something like:

modematching asX with OMC = 0.8408
modematching asY with OMC = 0.91229

Comments related to this report
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 18:51, Friday 05 September 2014 (13792)ISC
To improve the contrast while maximize the matching to the OMC, CO2 central heating should be applied to ITMX to match ITMY. Since we don't have central heating right now, one could use the ring heater to match ITMY to ITMX. This would make the matching to the OMC worse, but a better contrast. 
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 16:29, Monday 08 September 2014 (13821)
See 13815  entry  instead.