Reports until 11:22, Monday 12 September 2011
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:22, Monday 12 September 2011 - last comment - 10:24, Tuesday 13 September 2011(1380)
aLOG outage at LHO 13 Sept 2011 at 10am Pacific
The aLOG will be undergoing a minor update 10am pacific time tomorrow (13 Sept 2011).  The update is expected to be done in a matter of minutes.

If you are working on an entry please either post it or save it to a draft before 10am tomorrow.  Users will be required to authenticate again after the outage to post entries.

Summary of updates:
* Bug fixes on the administrative screens
* Some changes to how comments are displayed
* Update to the paging display to make it easier to spot the current page
* Some changes to attachment names
* Initial support for CDS robo-posting scripts
* Initial support for passing in search filters in the url.  This will allow bookmarked filters (ie show only SUS ...)
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 10:24, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1387)
The update is completed.

One change worth noting, it is possible to bookmark a search by section/task.  Go to the 'Help' task and view the entry 'Filter Shortcuts' to find current bookmarks.

Please note, the structure of the tasks and sections will change, so these bookmarks are temporary (for now).