Reports until 23:11, Thursday 11 September 2014
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:11, Thursday 11 September 2014 (13894)
PSL frontend power watchdog tripped, restarted

Jeff K, Kiwamu,

At around Sep 11 2014 21:49:59 PDT tonight, the frontend watchdog of the PSL tripped.

Although we looked into time series of various power monitors, we did not find a trigger event. The 1st attachment is a 20 sec data of the various frontend-related channels. Since we did not see an anomaly in the data, we went ahead and turned the frontend laser back on by going into the PSL enclosure. It came back fine and the PMC, FSS and ISS locked right away. I attach some screenshots of the status monitors for some future reference.

Images attached to this report