Reports until 07:58, Thursday 19 August 2010
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:58, Thursday 19 August 2010 - last comment - 10:08, Thursday 19 August 2010(139)
Added workstation to SEI test stand
Modified seiteststand computer to export /cvs, /apps, and /home/controls, restarted nfs.  Changed /etc/hosts entry for to workstation.

Set workstation IP to, disabled DHCP, nfs mounted /opt, /apps, /cvs, and /home/controls from seiteststand.  Removed /home/controls/*, ~controls is now nfs mounted from seiteststand.  Added shared library config files to /etc/, recached shared libraries.  

Note that ssh is still directed to seiteststand, but controls can ssh to workstation for non-front end work.  The user "controls" can log in on the workstation and should have the same environment as on the workstation.  Did not do exhaustive testing, so there may be some more work to do on workstation.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 10:08, Thursday 19 August 2010 (140)
Added NDSSERVER environment variable with value to .bashrc and .cshrc, should cause initial value of NDS server fields in GDS gui applications to show, port 8088.